Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Week 1: Preparation, Planning, and Petrification

Drywall is hard.  

So to begin my adventure in drywall, I started talking to folks I knew that had done this.  (I have yet to find a woman, though I know they are out there.)  They all have the same comment:  "Good luck, the mudding is really hard."  I am now already afraid of it (tuning my schema it seems). I tend to take on more than I can handle.  My mom used to say my eyes were bigger than my stomach when I dished out more than I could eat, but she said it about the things I did too.  My entire life has sort of been a really big plan, and me always running to catch up.  Hopefully this will be a good example of how that can be a positive approach in life. 

I admit that this project seemed easier than it does now, based on what others are indicating.  Perhaps my ambition comes from the fact that I think I can fix whatever I screw up.  I am hoping that is the case here.  But I will plan carefully so that will not be my first option.

I have looked over various sites and now have a good idea of the materials, tools and time needed to accomplish this.  I've spoken with my husband and we have a plan.  The interesting part for me is just getting all the furniture out of the room or at least over to the side so we will likely move the furniture over to one part of the room, and cover it, then work.  Since we're only doing one wall at a time, that should work.

This is what I have to work with.

The first site I went to that look promising was a magazine DIY site called This Old House, I assume based off the original show.  I liked it because of the images, layout, and process presented.,,217215,00.html

I hope to look like these guys by the end:  confident, and happy, while working hanging drywall.
I also have looked through this one:

So the plan is to: 

  • read and watch tutorials online and in books
  • collect tools and materials needed
  • prepare the work area (organize, clean, move things)
  • have a mentor near me while I watch, and attempt
  • have laptop with tutorials charged and nearby for constant reference
  • work in about 3 hour increments, including cleanup (beginning the actual work this weekend)
  • if I'm on track, continue over to the window that is unfinished
  • finish the drywall hanging part before company for the wedding shows (Oct 9)
  • possibly finish the mudding, depending on how well I do

After the insanity of the wedding is over, come back and texture and then paint.
The ceiling with the popcorn texture will have to wait.  I mistakenly believed that would be easier, but because of the mess it makes, though the technique is easy, the management is not, so that will be last.